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Frequently Asked Questions

  • What is the difference between 'Minimally Invasive Spine Surgery' and 'Traditional Open Spine Surgery'?

Minimally invasive spine surgery uses smaller incisions, and usually has a shorter surgery center/hospital stay, lower complication rates, and lower infection rates compared with traditional, open spine surgeries. The techniques usually involve light magnification of the surgical site with microscopes and/or endoscopes and has also been called 'laser spine surgery'.

  • What conditions can be treated by 'Minimally Invasive Spine Surgery' and 'Laser Spine Surgery'?

Many spinal conditions can be treated by minimally invasive and laser spine surgery. These include: lumbar and cervical disc protrusions, degenerative disc disease, spinal stenosis, spondylolisthesis, spinal fractures, scoliosis.

  • Can 'Spinal Fusions' be performed using 'Minimally Invasive Spine Surgery'?

Many spinal fusions can be done with minimally invasive spine surgery techniques using very small incisions or percutaneously.

  • Do you provide second opinions to discuss my condition and treatment options?

We see a number of patients who seek a second opinion prior to proceeding with surgery.

  • Does my insurance plan cover the minimally invasive and laser spine surgery procedures?

We accept most insurance plans, including Private/Commercial insurances, HMO/PPOs, Medicare, Worker's Comp. Our office staff will verify this for you.

  • If I do not have Insurance, what are my options?

Call our office staff at 281.469.0339. They will discuss the most cost effective plan suited for your needs.